

LiST and Spectrum

In order to run LiST, users must first download Spectrum software. This links to the most recent version of the software.

Country data pack

The country data pack is an optional download which includes the demographic data for all countries based on World Population Prospects (WPP) 2017 as well as additional help language files.

Data import tools 

These files help to support specific functionalities in LiST or assist users with certain complex calculations. Instructions or documentation on how to use each tool is contained within the file itself. 



Videos and webinars

Recorded short videos and webinar recordings allow users to learn about specific aspects of the tool, both in terms of the theory behind it as well as how to manipulate the software.


Presentations used for training on LiST concepts and frameworks are provided here for users’ reference.


Guides on how to manipulate the LiST software and particular tools within the software.


Manuals on the Spectrum software, the LiST module, and the LiST Costing module, available in multiple languages. These manuals can also be accessed in the LiST software itself by clicking on the “Help” button.


LiST and Spectrum

The Lives Saved Tool (LiST) is part of Spectrum, a software package which contains a suite of modules. Linkages between LiST and other analytic tools allow users to modify aspects including demography, HIV/AIDS programming, and family planning determinants. 

The following modules are currently included in Spectrum:

  • DemProj (provides demography information – automatically selected and always necessary to run LiST)

  • AIM (estimates the impact of HIV/AIDS interventions – automatically selected in countries with a high HIV/AIDS prevalence)

  • LiST Lives Saved Tool (Maternal, newborn and child health and nutrition intervention impact)

  • FamPlan (estimates the impact of family planning interventions)

If you want to use LiST you need to download and install Spectrum. Once installed you then choose which modules - such as LiST - you wish to use.

Spectrum V. 6.36 (19 April 2024)

Using a Mac? Read this

Frequently asked questions

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Country data pack

The country data pack is an optional download which includes the demographic data for all countries based on World Population Prospects (WPP) 2019 as well as additional help language files. This file is considered optional since Spectrum will prompt the user to download data as needed when creating projections. The Country Data Pack is useful should the user like to install all the country data during a single session or if a reliable Internet connection is not available during Spectrum usage. Since the Demographic data does not normally change, installation of data will only need to occur once and will work with subsequent installed versions of Spectrum.

Country Data Pack 2019 (1 oct 2020)

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Data import tools 

These files help to support specific functionalities in LiST or assist users with certain complex calculations. Instructions or documentation on how to use each tool is contained within the file itself. 

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Spectrum manual - English | French | Portuguese | Spanish

LiST manual - English | French | Portuguese

LiST Costing manual - English